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Tilføj dine hold og vælg også hvilken type af registrering, du vil gøre.
Læs teksten nedenfor, og marker afkrydsningsfeltet for at indikere, at du accepterer betingelserne inden for
Please observe that your registration is not valid until the registration fee is paid. No invoice is being sent, instead you will receive a mail containing payment instructions. The registration fee is to be paid as soon as the application is made. Please refer to the registrationnumber in your payment,For the teams needing hotellrooms though our guestcards, we ask you to preliminary state which hotell you want and how many participants you are anticipating. You will be assigned to 3-4 bedrooms as a standard choice. If you need some participants to stay in double or singlerooms at the samt hotel, you need to log on to Cup website to registrer this. Last day for payment of the guestcards are August 9 2019,You will receive an email including login codes to be able to adjust number of guestcards and to add or remove number of teams.
{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}
-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}
inklusive et depositumsgebyr på {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}
-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
inklusive et depositumsgebyr på {{payNowDeposit(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
FORFALDSDATO {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}
Fakturaen sendes før {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}
Fakturaen sendes på et senere tidspunkt
Please note that there are teams in the registration that will end up on the standby list